Office and Administrative Support Specialist

CIP CODE: 52.0401

8 months Full-Time; 16 months Part-Time

720 Instruction Hours


Program Description

A successful organization is the one, which has good employees.  The good

employee is the one who is not only skilled but also knows how to perform

the task professionally.


The Office and Administrative Support Program is designed to provideextensive training to those who want to work in an office environment.  Thisprogram teaches a variety of skills, which are necessary in the day-to-day operations of a business office.  The curriculum includes Computerized

Office Procedures, Interpersonal Skills, Business Writing and Math, CustomerSupport and Software Applications.


After the successful completion of the program the student will be qualified toobtain employment as an Office Support Specialist, Secretary, and CustomerService Representative, Receptionist or Information Clerk


Course Content


OSS100 Introduction to Computers   

(45 Instruction Hours)

This course is designed to introduce the students to the use of a Personal Computer (PC).  It will give the student a clear understanding of computer functions and tasks within the Windows environment.  The student will learn Windows 98 operating systems; components of the workstation; identifying part of a window and dialog box; managing files; customizing programs.


OS110 Keyboarding/Typing 

(24 Instruction Hours)

This course teaches the student keyboarding, stressing both speed and accuracy.  Projects include: business letters, styles, forms, reports, manuscripts, tabulations, and rough drafts.